There’s a ferocious backlash & outpouring of misogyny over the Women’s Marches which one pretentious ass called a “cutie-pie pink-cap uprising” & “yet another exercise in faux left futility.” Worse crap than the 50s. There were over three million of us on every continent making history while you’re pissing away your life hating on us. Try stuffing the women-hating where the sun don’t shine. For as much as we care.
At the Brownsville, Texas march there were lots of senior women, many who were part of the women’s movement in the 1960s-70s. As I was. We got a kick out of singing Nancy Sinatra’s 1966 “These boots were made for walking.” It was this defiant attitude that launched feminism & the movement that changed history. Our work remains undone so we’re still walking.