In a special service today in Bangladesh, Pope Francis apologized to Rohingya refugees saying “The presence of God today is also called Rohingya. In the name of all of those who persecuted you & the indifference of the world. I ask for forgiveness.” Forgiveness for what, Pope Francis? Rendering legitimacy to the genocidaires in Burma? Allowing Burmese bishops to defend the junta & deny the genocide without a peep of protest? Ignoring the genocide while you were in Burma because you were there to set up diplomatic relations with the fascist junta? Refusing to stand with the Rohingya even though your support would have made a world of difference?
Before such monumental cynicism & dishonesty, the world should stand aghast. The pope needs to go back to the Vatican & hole up for a long while. But the question of his role in Argentina’s “dirty war” needs to be revisited.