This is the petition initiated by Bhopal activists demanding the US government abide by international law & stop shielding Dow Chemical from criminal charges in an Indian court–probably to shield itself from criminal culpability in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, & elsewhere.
The people of Bhopal have fought against insuperable odds for 32 years & new generations of their children bear the brunt of corporate criminality & impunity. They have exhausted so many legal options because US & Indian courts have also shielded Dow.
The Bhopal court bringing criminal charges against Dow is standing against the tide & we need to support this effort to bring justice for what is considered one of the worst industrial accidents in human history–& that is quite an indictment.
Please consider making this petition a personal campaign on FB, Twitter, & elsewhere for the next few weeks as Bhopal activists try to get 100,000 signatures from human rights supporters around the world. It is a powerful call to arms for justice.