White Helmets protest execution of five colleagues

White Helmets protesting May 31 2018
White Helmets are protesting the murder last Saturday of five of their colleagues & the injury of others when an unidentified armed group broke into their headquarters in rural Aleppo. The only reason the White Helmets are vilified by Assad propagandists is because their rescue work exposes the war crimes of Syria, Russia, & the US-coalition.

(Photo from White Helmets)

Irish BDS activists remove Israeli products from market shelves

You’ll love this: Irish activists, who know a thing or two about colonialism, are removing all Israeli products from shelves in a market. With Israel outright threatening the ‘final solution’ against Palestinians in Gaza, we need to redouble our efforts to build BDS.


Some knucklehead posted antisemitic cartoons by Arab publications in rebuttal to my post on Charlie Hebdo. I don’t defend Arabs or anybody else because they’re all saints & angels. Such a delusion is too stupid to consider. There are after all Syrian supporters of the Assad dictatorship or Palestinians like Mahmoud Abbas. Trump & Malcolm X are both Americans. So you can’t hoodwink us when you post negative things about Arabs like you’re trying to be fair-minded. We know the con & don’t waste any time dispatching it.

Deaths of young people at the hands of occupying forces in Palestine & Kashmir are so constant that it isn’t possible to pay tribute to everyone killed. But I don’t think their lives should pass without our honoring them. If you know of someone killed & have a photo of them, please let me know so I can post it. We should never become removed or detached from the grief & loss felt by those occupied. Oppression is a very personal matter.

Israeli official proposes final solution for Gaza

Israel’s Minister of National Infrastructure, Energy & Water Resources Yuval Steinitz said: “I do not exclude the possibility of occupying Gaza & wiping it out once & for all.” That is a public assertion of genocidal intent against Palestinians. Our response must be to redouble & triple our efforts to build international support for Palestinians, including building BDS.

–from Jews Against Genocide via Ofer Neiman

Action Group for Palestinians of Syria

Not sure why so few people are following the reports on this wall but it seems imperative to do so now with the slaughter in the Yarmouk camp. These are Syrian Palestinians with direct contacts within Yarmouk & no affiliations with the Assad regime. It isn’t just a question of the Syrian revolution & counterrevolution but of the plight of Palestinian refugees in Syria. Over 100 people died in Gaza & several are still in critical condition for standing up for refugee rights. These activists are shoveling you-know-what against the tide & need our support. So it would be encouraging for them if you read their posts & showed your support.


Assad propagandists & their guppies are defending the bombing of Yarmouk refugee camp because ISIS fighters were holed up there. That they were. But so were hundreds of Palestinian refugees, including children, young families, & elderly. You cannot bomb an area with civilians even to take out terrorists. Who are you liberating when you bomb civilians to smithereens? Truth is, Assad forces weren’t really going after ISIS since they allowed them to get on busses & leave the camp. They were going after Palestinians in Yarmouk who opposed Assad’s tyrannous regime & that is what Beavis & Butthead are really defending.

Please contribute to medical aid for Gaza

Maybe you didn’t have any extra dough the first time I posted this. But Friday is the first of the month & you may be flush for at least a few days when your pension, social security, paychecks come in. Consider giving to the Gaza medical aid fund, especially after Israel wouldn’t let many sick & injured leave by boat for medical treatment elsewhere.


Charlie Hebdo moving toward fascism

Charlie Hebdo & Maryam Pougetoux May 30 2018

Are people actually still debating Charlie Hebdo’s satiric excesses? After they mocked the drowning death of 3-year-old Syrian refugee Alan Kurdi? After they portrayed him as a grownup sex molester? After they portrayed boatloads of African refugees as monkeys? After all the Islamophobic cartoons like this one mocking a 19-year-old Muslim woman as a monkey? Sarcasm in the hands of the oppressed is to change the balance of power to the advantage of the powerless. In the hands of the privileged elite, it is nothing more than supremacist ridicule & abuse. Charlie Hebdo isn’t amusing, isn’t incisive social commentary, & it’s not worth much cartoon-wise. It isn’t satire. It’s nihilism, the philosophy of fascism. Is Charlie Hebdo fascist? Perhaps they haven’t gone that far yet but they’re moving in that direction, already skirting the parameters with their arrant racism, xenophobia, white supremacy, Islamophobia. Even tasteless hate-mongering has the protection of free speech laws. But it’s a pointless waste of time to debate whether this rubbish is satire when the only ones it speaks for are fascists.

(Cover of Charlie Hebdo mocking 19-year-old student Maryam Pougetoux)

Came across a report from 2010 that an Indian TV reporter made an analogy between a stone & a computer mouse because in the hands of Kashmiri youth they are equally dangerous weapons. That’s a tribute to Kashmiri activist’s use of social media & explains why India surveils Kashmiris on line & why it’s always snapping the internet.