Israeli human rights activists in Tel Aviv protest Eurovision 2019 & call for honoring the cultural boycott of Israel.

(Photo on May 14, 2019 from CNN)

Madonna is apparently planning on-stage grandstanding in her performance at Eurovision tonight by making a worthless statement about ‘dialogue’ & ‘inclusivity’ to justify croaking out a few of her banal songs for apartheid & genocide. To show how committed she is to dialogue & inclusivity & to get into the apartheid groove she arrived in Tel Aviv a few days early so she could party & go nightclubbing. We hope she had a good time since henceforward her name will always be associated not with inclusivity but with racism & genocide.

(Photo of Madonna entering Tel Aviv nightclub on May 16, 2019 by Amir Meiri/YNet/Pplus/Reuters)

The ninth president of Israel swore that he would be “faithful & loyal to the government of Palestine.”

From the 2018 “liberation” of Eastern Ghouta by Syrian & Russian bombers, now being repeated in Idlib & Hama.

Portrait of Russian & Syrian ‘liberation’ of Eastern Ghouta by barrel bombs & chlorine: or as Assad’s corral of hired propagandists would put it, crisis actors forced to play dead & foam at the mouth on cue. As the corrupt antiwar & socialist movements would put it, this carnage of children is necessary to protect Assad’s right to national sovereignty against US regime-change. Meanwhile children die bereft in the public streets because somewhere in Syria, the principles of solidarity & opposition to war got bombed to smithereens when Stalinism allied with fascism.

The only principled demands are for the immediate cessation of bombing & the immediate, unconditional withdrawal of all foreign military forces from Syria.

(Photo is from Eastern Ghouta in mid-March 2018. Photographer not identified but in several Arab publications.)

Protests last year in Kashmir in solidarity with Palestinians, part of a tradition of solidarity among Kashmiris.
Kashmir stands with Palestinians: there were protests today, including confrontations with occupation forces, at Nowhatta in Srinigar against the massacre of unarmed protesters in Gaza. There will be other protests today in Kashmir in solidarity with Palestinians. Palestinians & Kashmiris are kindred in occupation & resistance.

(Photo by Basit Zargar)

A few days ago, the Sudanese generals at a joint press conference with an alliance of protest leaders announced that they had reached an agreement for a three-year transition to a democratic, civilian administration. The details of the agreement were not elaborated but they included an opposition-majority parliament. Reports today that the agreement collapsed speak to the political savvy of Sudanese protesters who openly discuss the lessons they have drawn from the Arab Spring uprisings, especially how the Egyptian military out-maneuvered the Egyptian Arab Spring.

A three-year transition period to civilian rule is a temporizing maneuver which would allow the military to end the protests encamped outside its headquarters in Khartoum, restabilize military control, & eventually crack down on dissidents in the same violent way as the military in Egypt under General Sisi.

The US does not have a hands-off policy toward military rule in Sudan whether or not they make public announcements of what that US policy is. As in every other Arab Spring uprising, the US is on the side of the dictators because it is implacably opposed to popular movements for democracy everywhere, no exceptions.

(Photo of Sudanese protesters by Ashraf Shazly/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images)