International Women’s Day 2017: tribute to women of the Syrian revolution

The girls Mar 9 2017

International Women’s Day 2017 requires a tribute to the women of the Syrian revolution. It’s no coincidence that just as Palestinians & Kashmiris are depicted as terrorists, so also are Syrian revolutionists depicted as jihadi thrill-killers–or as fallen away evangelicals & burned out Presbyterians in the US (who don’t know the difference between Lutheran & Methodist) call them, Wahhabis & Salafi, which in truth they don’t know from hummus. There is nothing more detestable in politics than those like Blumenthal, Norton, Khalek & all their guppies who blow smoke to cover for their hatred of Muslims.

These are two important articles about Syrian women standing against dictatorship & Syrian & Russian bombers:

Lessons from Syria on women’s empowerment during conflict,

International Women’s Day, a Comment from Syria,

Our deepest respect & heartfelt regrets that international solidarity has been weakened by so many who impose US Pentagon war mongering against Muslims on Syrian revolutionists.

(Photo is women from Women Now network in besieged eastern Ghouta in Solidarity with Daraya women campaign (April 2016))