Ex-priest John Feit found guilty of 1960 murder of Irene Garza despite 57 years of Catholic church attempts to protect him

The remorseless 85-year-old ex-priest John Feit was found guilty of the murder of Irene Garza in 1960. It was mostly a circumstantial case because a priest from Sacred Heart church had destroyed the physical evidence. Feeling guilt about the complicity, that priest came forward in 2004 but has since died. Twenty-five people gave testimony for the prosecution but the most important was an ex-monk who also came forward in 2004 because Feit confessed to him while being hidden by the diocese. Prosecutors presented evidence that political & church officials obstructed prosecution to protect the church.

Feit was eventually moved from hiding out in a Missouri monastery to a church treatment center for priest sex offenders in New Mexico. They eventually made him the supervisor clearing pervert priests for reassignment to a parish. One of the priests he cleared was Boston child molester James Porter who assaulted over 100 kids before he was prosecuted & sent to prison. After Feit left the priesthood in 1972, the church, heedless of the dangers, hired him to administer a charity where he trained & recruited volunteers.

Today jurors are deliberating over Feit’s sentence. He has never shown any remorse but is in fact extremely insolent. Life in prison for an 85-year-old psychopath is hardly sufficient for justice.