Documentary on lives & conditions of Dalits, an oppressed caste once called “untouchables,” by Indian filmmaker Pratik Parmar

Pratik Parmar, a filmmaker from India has produced a three-part documentary on the lives & conditions of Dalits, an oppressed caste once despicably called “untouchables.”

Caste is one of the deranged social organizations that developed under class society. It could be called the excrement & dry rot of class society with its notions of inferior & superior human beings.

There have long been social & political struggles in India among Dalits & other oppressed castes to end this monstrous system. It is one of the most monumental freedom movements in the world.

This is Project Heartland/Episode 1, The land struggle of Ramji Bhai:

This is the link to episode 2, “Straight from the Tannery”:

This is the link to episode 3, “When a Dalit Woman Leads”: