The disagreements among progressives about Syria & on the EU vote are so fundamental & so rancorous that it appears a political & historical process may be unfolding–making an analysis of that process essential before the differences divide us beyond the possibility for unity in action on those things which we agree.
This certainly isn’t the first time progressives of all hue have been divided on consequential questions. It isn’t the first time we are informed by conflictingsources of information–for example, about who is bombing Syria & what will happen after the UK leaves the EU.
Whether you feel funereal or not does not determine the correctness of your views. These are scary times in the UK but for heaven’s sakes it must be said quite frankly that it is as naught compared to what is going on in the Middle East, Africa, & Central America that is driving millions of people to flee as refugees. Why are things always more catastrophic when they happen in Europe & the US?