This week, on its 60 Minutes program, CBS interviewed John Brennan, the director of the CIA. This follows the recent CBS special about the CIA which outright glorified the criminal agency of psychos & torturers.
Brennan claimed the CIA no longer uses waterboarding. But of course he’s lying through his ass. The hapless interviewer trying to pose as a hard-hitting reporter never asked him what torture techniques the CIA will admit to or about the secret rendition prisons where they do the torture.
We already knew the CIA has its own fleet of drone aircraft but Brennan admitted that the CIA now has its own ground troops. That of course is an organizational & political maneuver of the US government to elude oversight or exposure of war crimes. It allows Obama to claim the US has withdrawn troops whilst mercenaries & CIA operatives & troops run roughshod in a country.
One last thing: Brennan got teary-eyed speaking of the CIA agents who’ve died in the line of service. Before we tear up we need ask, what were they doing when they died & who were they doing it to? And why weren’t they prosecuted for human rights crimes when they were alive?