“If Indians don’t want their security forces to be killed, there’s an easy solution, just pack up and leave Kashmir. Illegal occupation always comes at a cost but that price is far less than what Kashmiris have paid under Indian oppression.”
–Rajiv Kumar via Ahmad Abrar Pandit

After seeing several Kashmiri friends make reference to it, I must ask if it’s true that some nationalist fools are attempting to portray 14-year-old Hazim Shafi Bhat as a terrorist & not just a shepherd boy?

This is 14-year-old Hazim Shafi Bhat, a young shepherd boy with mental illness & physical disabilities who received several bullet injuries in an Indian Army hunt to kill operation & died on Sunday night. Indian media has a hard time getting the story straight on how young Hazim was shot & killed. It’s part of that ‘oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive’ thing. Some media report that Indian special forces set up a hunt to kill operation on Friday because they heard armed militants were in the Handwara area. That operation apparently went on through Sunday. Some reports also say two family homes & two cowsheds were destroyed because the hiding militants kept changing positions. Consider that army explanation. Consider the character of such a military operation that destroys everything in sight because the army heard there were armed militants holed up there.
Indian media has another alternative story which claims that special forces who were helping the J&K police enforce the coronavirus lockdown were attacked early evening today by several armed militants who eventually managed to escape. That report suggests that young Hazim was killed near the shootout site in the crossfire between militants & special forces. In this probably imagined scenario, the special forces are more worried about retrieving two bullet-proof vests they claim the militants took from special forces than they are about the death of a young shepherd boy who was likely absolutely terrified at being caught in the middle of a hunt to kill operation. As a very young boy with physical & mental impairments, he was probably paralyzed with fear & uncertain how to get out of harm’s way.
Maybe there was a shootout with militants; maybe there wasn’t. But if those special forces weren’t still engaged in military operations & were actually helping protect civilians during the corona pandemic, none of the special forces would have been killed & a little shepherd boy would not have died in terror.
Our heartfelt condolences to the family & friends of this young boy. May he Rest In Peace.
(Photo is Hazim Shafi Bhat, posted May 4, 2020)

On World Press Freedom Day, the practice of journalism in Kashmir: journalist Syed Shahriyar runs from photographing a protest in Srinagar where soldiers use pellet guns & tear gas on unarmed civilians.
(Tweeted by Syed Shahriyar @shahriyarsyed1)

Indian nationalist journalist Aarti Tikoo Singh tweeted for all the world to see: “The Handwara attack in which five Indian soldiers lost their lives is one of the millions perpetrated against India in Kashmir since the first attempt at conquest by Mahmud of Ghazni in year 1015. Ghazni was defeated in Kashmir by Queen Didda’s nephew. Always remember history.”
Since India did not exist as a nation state until 1947, all invitations to Aarti Tikoo Singh to speak should be rescinded until she has finished primary school history. Now the whole world knows how damn stupid she is.

When Indian official Veer Vikrant Singh tweeted that his ‘heart mourns for the martyred soldiers who laid down their lives in Handwara’ against Kashmiri terrorists, Kashmiri Zulfiqar Ali responded “You use them as mercenaries to perpetuate occupation in Kashmir & then celebrate their deaths. You use sons of poor families as cannon fodder. If you really cared about them, you would suggest them to end occupation & quit Kashmir.”

(Zulfiqar Ali @ali_z000, posted May 3, 2020)

Colonialism & militarism at a time of coronavirus: this is how the Indian occupying army operates during the coronavirus pandemic & whilst Kashmiris are fasting during Ramadan. India shows little regard for its soldiers’ health & absolute colonial barbarism toward Kashmiris. It must be said that the Indian government shows no more nor less respect for human life than the US-NATO, Russia, Syria, Burma, Israel, Saudi-coalition show who also have millions of unscreened soldiers in the field.
(Photo via Tony Ashai on Twitter)