Concluding that Nikki Haley resigned to protest a US cover-up of the gruesome Khashoggi murder would be to suggest that she has a conscience when her enthusiasm for genocide against Palestinians shows her to be amoral & bereft of human solidarity.

Rollie Mukherjee portraying Kashmiri protest against forcible disappearance

Eid ul Fitr in Kashmir by Aaliya Mushtaq

The sacrificial Eid is yet months away
Yet Ishmael is dangled on the cross
The angels keep
their censored silences
and pour them into our hearts.

It isn’t even Muharram
But sisters wrap mourning
over their torn cloaks, and wipe off
sweat from the cold bullets
settled in the brows of their brothers.

Yesternight the guilty moon
wouldn’t show up.
All night it asked of me:
What joy could I shine upon
On all those slaughtered Eids?
I supplied no answers
the dread in my eyes furnished them.

Artwork details: Kashmir: The Metaphor of Pain by Rollie Mukherjee

In Koshur – the Kashmiri language – the metaphors of pain invoke sky, earth, mountains, fire, sounds, textures, smells, colours, erasure, departure, and objects like knife, axe, saw, nails. Artist Rollie Mukherjee’s work is a home to these metaphors.
Via Rubeena Choudhary

Since when did steadfast opposition to war & militarism (which is primarily the bombing of civilians) become dogma rather than political principle? How did it happen that the right & left are now defined by which army they’re rooting for, as if war was a football game & not the destruction of human civilization?

Call me an outdated feminist, call me a prude, but I consider the term “slut shaming” to be a repugnant, anti-woman term. My genre of feminists don’t re-purpose hate language & don’t legitimize or popularize its use by others. We do not ever refer to women as sluts or their behaviors as slutty. It’s an insult to women & to our sexual dignity.

“Kashmir lives between funerals.

At funerals we rekindle hope.

To participate in the final funeral of your occupation.

We don’t call your occupation a democracy.

Your democracy’s funeral was performed the day a Kashmiri demanding right to self-determination was put down with guns.

Guns will have funerals too, we promise.”

–Irfan Mehraj