The Trump Justice Department is going to sue colleges over affirmative action because they claim it discriminates against whites. The essence of Trump’s politics is racism in all of its malignant forms. White people are favored in every single institution in every single way in this country. There is nothing wrong with being white but if you go along with this crap & refuse to condemn Trump in no uncertain terms, you are a white supremacist. Live with that ugly reality while people of good will mobilize to oppose his racist policies.

Trump’s new immigration rules will favor those with high skills & who can speak English. How do you spell E-L-I-T-I-S-T? Of course, by those standards, Trump isn’t eligible for a green card, & he fits the criminal disqualifiers too.

Trump the ass boasted that the numbers of refugees attempting to cross the southern US border are down. Maybe fewer are attempting the dangerous crossing but there are thousands of refugees on the Mexican side of the border from Haiti, the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, Central America, Mexico who want to cross but are unable to because of increased surveillance by US Border Patrol.

Immigration is a human right. Open the damn border.

We Want Freedom (Rising Kashmir via Ovais Manzoor) Aug 2 2017

They used to say in ancient times–somewhere around 1985–that ‘revolution is a young man’s game.’ That was just the old schtick of writing women out of history & even worse, ignoring the essential role seniors have also played in social transformation.

Let this Kashmiri woman set the record straight.

(Posted by Rising Kashmir on August 2, 2016)

Maybe if supporters of Assad & Maduro stop asking themselves what would Stalin do & instead asked what would Jesus or Mohammad do they’d get closer to the truth rather than speaking rubbish from the bowels of hell.

Forces of evil have intervened to make it impossible for me to do anything on Facebook until I finish my long overdue article on Venezuela for Pakistan Today. And this is a good thing since the forces of Bolivarian baloney are on full mobilization to discredit Venezuelan working people for protesting neoliberal austerity, lack of democracy, & violent attacks on protesters as fascist. Exactly what the same political forces did in Syria & the Arab Spring uprisings & tried to do with protesters in Brazil & Hong Kong.

The political currents behind this are Stalinists–the same ones who defended the monstrosities of the USSR–& libertarians who think reptilian Jewish bankers rule the world & who are nascent fascist forces. Racism & sucking up to state power is their modus operandi. My article will be an attempt to expose them as the sniveling rightwing forces they are. And I make no bones about that because working people have a right to rise up en masse to settle scores with tyranny & inequality even when it calls itself the Bolivarian Revolution.

In the scale of things, the haircut that makes me look like Little Lulu in the comics is small potatoes. But oh lord it’s ruined my day. I asked the hairdresser to shave 40 years off my looks, not make me look like a cartoon.

Don’t come to my wall with puerile blithering against BDS. The blah blah blah about why don’t we boycott every country that’s making war? Why just Israel? Inform yourself about the Palestinian call for BDS, about the powerful political impact it has already had, about how it has strengthened Palestinian solidarity, about how it has politically armed an unarmed people. If you want to debate it, this isn’t the place. But I can refer you to Facebook walls where other blockheads gather for companionship & you can feel right at home.

Kashmir stands with Gaza

Kashmir stands with Gaza Aug 1 2017

Originally I came across this photo on Twitter & posted it last August 1st. It had no identification of when it was taken or who took it but it was likely the protests in Kashmir held in solidarity with Palestinians when Israel was carpet bombing Gaza at this time in 2014.

There is everything to love about this photo of young scruffy rebels standing defiant, armed only with rocks against a brutal military occupation–& at the same time standing with their Palestinian brothers & sisters under siege thousands of miles away. This is the very heart & soul of solidarity.

Long live Palestinian & Kashmiri Intifada.

Retrospectives are starting on the life & death of Diana Spencer. I don’t do that “people’s princess” crap & regret credulity about the brilliant PR campaign that was her life. I detest moochocracy & every cynical attempt to make feudalism seem modern or having any useful function at all. I’m an unreasonable hard-ass on the issue. We’ll have to part ways if you make Diana hagiography show up in my newsfeed. I have my faults but getting weak-kneed over feudal monarchs is not one of them.