Some may consider it nitpicking to object to language like “deescalate” or “demilitarize” Kashmir but when it comes to war, occupation, genocide, precision in our demands is imperative. There should be no confusions or questions about what we mean & we should not hesitate to demand the max at our protests.

–We demand the immediate, unconditional withdrawal of all Indian troops.
–We demand the immediate end to the use of pellet guns & live ammo against protesters.
–We demand the immediate release of all Kashmiri political prisoners.
–We demand the immediate restoration of all telecommunications systems in Kashmir.
–We demand self-determination for the Kashmiri people.

When Indian soldiers use pellet guns, tear gas, & live ammo against unarmed Kashmiris & still they continue to brave death & disability by protesting, just as Palestinians & Syrians do, our commitment to supporting their freedom struggle by every means possible must be sustained & redoubled.

This is Pieter Friedrich, the author of a brilliant political excoriation of Tulsi Gabbard’s ties to Modi & Hindutva nationalism. Here he is speaking to the Houston, Texas City Council on September 17th against the upcoming Howdy, Modi Hindutva rally on September 22nd.
“Instead of the city of Houston saying “Howdy, Modi,” it ought to be saying “adios, Modi.”

مغرب میں ہونے والے سفید فام انتہا پسندی کے واقعات کا بھارتی انتہا پسند تنظیم RSS سے کیا تعلق ہے؟ دیکھیے اس ویڈیو میں

Posted by ‎چوہدری رضا‎ on Wednesday, 18 September 2019

TRT World reports on India’s indiscriminate use of sadistic torture against young men. The use of torture, incarceration, sexual violence, especially but not only against young people, is intended to humiliate & demoralize. They are classic weapons of war, occupation, genocide & must be opposed with all our might to render the Kashmiri freedom struggle more politically powerful.
#StandWithKashmir #BoycottIndia

It’s hard to know where to begin to describe this story. Young people sustaining horrific, disabling pellet injuries are unable to go to hospital because they will be arrested for protesting. So other young people are developing elementary surgical skills to help them extract the pellets & only those with pellet injuries to the eyes, which can cause blindness, dare go to hospital.
Since so many times over the years doctors & medical staff in Kashmir have protested the use of pellet guns, it is not that they are turning in the young men but that Indian forces are stationed at hospitals to arrest.

Stop the use of pellet guns in Kashmir!


Ode to “Normalcy”

Kashmir is NORMAL
Even if barricades are scattered like mazes,
Even if barbed wires guard each gasps for breath,
Even if sealed lips aches for freedom,
Even if silence lingers like graveyard air,
Even if autumn has been forced onto spring,
Even if the minds are numbed and skies entombed…


– Gayathri Narayan

Art installation – Muzammil

This alarming piece resonates with the rise of German fascism. Just as Trump has emboldened the most lowlife racist, supremacist forces in the US, Modi is inciting lowlifes to come out from under their rocks against Muslims, immigrants & refugees, the oppressed castes. What happens in India doesn’t stay in India but will impact & encourage the rise of the extreme right everywhere.

My little yard was beginning to look like the Amazon (before neoliberalism got at it) & I had to take several hours to mow it down before the city got on me with fines. I don’t have more than a weed whacker which isn’t good for Amazon conditions so I had to mow the entire lawn with kitchen sheers. Sounds nuts, but they work. I’ll catch up on Kashmir and other freedom struggles this morning.

This is an interview with Zuleka Dinath (Zulekha Adam) about her book titled “Boys of the Cave” which is stories of young boys about their experience in conflict zones. The illustrations for the book are by Rollie Mukherjee. Both Zulekha & Rollie are well-known supporters of Kashmiri solidarity & probably have a done a masterful job of presenting what is so important to understand about the impact of war on young kids.

Inayet Wadee in conversation with Zulekha Dinath, author of the book 'Boys of the Cave' Zulekha Adam BoysoftheCave

Posted by Salaamedia on Thursday, 19 September 2019