Category Archives: News

The UK is suspending its military training program with the Burmese military variously described as “educational” or “human rights”. Did you ever hear such a crock? Since the Burmese army is engaged in genocide in Arakan & is accused of several other human rights crimes in other states (including child soldiers, mass rape, forced labor, disappearance, & extrajudicial executions) it seems necessary for the UK to come clean about exactly what its training program entailed. Or will coming clean implicate the UK in those same crimes?

Didn’t listen to the whole of Trump’s speech at the UN General Assembly. It’s reported it was another of his racist, xenophobic rants. How much of that crap can you listen to before your brain begins to rot? His doom is coming. We’ll be dancing in the streets. For those who say Pence is worse? Of course he is. Maybe we need to rethink how things are run in this country that such vile creatures arise from their crypts to power.

Were it not for photojournalists in Bangladesh, we would not really grasp what is happening to Rohingya refugees. That’s just as true in Palestine & Kashmir. We should more than tip our hats to the contribution they make to understanding what is going on in the world to working people.

Where is the humanitarian aid for Rohingya refugees?

Ro refugees in monsoon rains (Paula Bronstein:Getty Images) Sept 20 2017

Mohammed Nazir & his wife Zohar Nahar shelter from monsoon rains under a tarpaulin–“their home until a proper shelter can be built.” And when will that be? What in the hell is going on–or more accurately, not going on–with humanitarian aid for the Rohingya refugees? Let us speak frankly: racism is of the essence here. If these were people in a western country, there would be an international call for emergency, immediate, & massive humanitarian aid. This is a catastrophe very much like Hurricane Katrina & Haiti where racism was also of the essence. No less, this is a crime scene.

Stand with the Rohingya refugees by demanding humanitarian aid.

(Photo by Paula Bronstein/Getty Images)

Squalid conditions for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

Ro woman collecting water (Allison Joyce:Getty Images) Sept 20 2017

A Rohingya woman collecting water from a hole many households use for washing, drinking, cooking & bathing in the Balukhali camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. This is not a new settlement although it is not an official camp & most residents do not receive UNHCR assistance. This is the state of humanitarian aid before the influx of 420,000 new refugees. Will anyone be surprised when a cholera epidemic is announced?

Stand with the Rohingya by demanding humanitarian aid & refugee rights to asylum wherever they choose.

(Photo by Allison Joyce/Getty Images)

International Crisis Group lies about Muslim insurgency in Arakan state

Last December, the International Crisis Group (ICG) released an unsavory dishonest report titled “Myanmar: A New Muslim Insurgency in Rakhine State”. It was shoddy stuff, reprehensible, & mostly imaginary. Rohingya Vision published an excoriating review of that report by Ne Myo Win titled “ICG’s Report: A Travesty of Rohingya Genocide in Myanmar.” For those interested in knowing the truth about Rohingya “terrorism”/self-defense, the Rohingya Vision article is essential so I repost it again:

(PS: For those who would like to know more about the ICG, read this report by Vinod Moonesinghe, a Sri Lankan activist:

This is my review of the ICG report:

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi says the Rohingya “issue” is “complex & sensitive.” See how marble-mouthed diplomacy can be when there are billions of investments & arms deals at stake? It’s not an issue; it’s a genocide.

There ought to special human rights crime tribunals for harm done children

Ro kids fleeing in boat (CNN) Sept 20 2017

Traumatized Rohingya children fleeing in a boat from death squads: there ought to be special human rights crime tribunals for the harm done to children: to Rohingya children, to those in Kashmir, Palestine, the US Black & Latino communities, to indigenous tribes being dispossessed throughout the world, to Muslims & the oppressed castes in India, & to children in many other countries. There certainly is a special place in hell.

Stand with Rohingya children in their struggle against genocide.

(Photo from CNN)