Several weeks back I said I was preparing a post about bans on the hijab, niqab, or burqa in countries around the world because the development was quite alarming in terms of religious freedom & the use of Muslim-hating to justify discrimination, exclusion, war, occupation, counter-revolution.
War-mongering incorporated women’s rights & Islamophobia hiding behind condemnations of the veil with the 2001 war against Afghanistan & has descended into the bowels of hell with support for Assad’s counter-revolution in Syria, becoming indistinguishable from fascism.
Regrettably, I am always days behind in studying & writing so I haven’t finished that post. But now the European Court of Justice ruling that employers can bar women from wearing veils to work essentially enshrines discrimination against Muslims & will embolden the growing nationalist & fascist movements in Europe. The political reverberations are alarming so finishing that post is important. I have a few to get to first but will try to get it done within the next few weeks.