Just several days after the Trump embassy massacre in Gaza, British Assadists, including professional propagandist Beeley, gathered in a pup tent (no other venue would have them) in Leeds, England to hold a mock trial for media lies about Syria. In their powerpoint presentations, Tulsi Gabbard, a Democratic congresswoman from Hawaii, was held up as a truth-teller. They claim that because she shares their extreme Islamophobia & support for Assad’s dictatorship. Gabbard’s truths are rooted in Hindutva nationalism & Zionism. Gabbard is a steadfast supporter of Israel against Palestinians which does not deter Assadists, who claim they are anti-Zionist, from supporting her. That is of a piece with her support for Assad, Modi, General Sisi of Egypt & it is of a piece with their generally reactionary, even fascist politics. She actually traveled to Syria & met with Assad under the auspices of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, an outright fascist group. She is supported in the US by the Hindu American Foundation, a Hindutva group that believes Hindus are persecuted in Kashmir. So when she visited Modi in India, she spoke at a BJP fundraiser about the persecution of Hindus which in India dovetails with her rabid hatred for Muslims. David Duke, an American fascist, is among her most ardent supporters.
(Photo of Modi with Gabbard from October 2014 in NYC by PTI)