Reposting from September 12, 2014 in tribute to Steve Biko & other South African anti-apartheid activists to honor them & because their work is not yet complete. Learning about & from them is the best way to carry on their work to completion not just in South Africa but around the world:
“Remembering Steve Biko on the day of his murder. Also thinking of Muntu Myeza, Phambili Ntloko, George Wauchope, Abu Asvat, Neville Alexander, Haroon Patel and many others who lived and died by the words Steve expresses here.”–Salim Vally
Many of us don’t know the names Salim mentions above–or don’t know all of them–but they were activists in the anti-apartheid movement of South Africa. Steven Biko was a student leader & founder of the Black Consciousness Movement who was murdered in police custody. He formulated the term “Black is beautiful” which he said meant “Man, you are okay as you are; begin to look upon yourself as a human being.” Mandela said of him: “They had to kill him to prolong the life of apartheid.”
This is the anniversary of his death in 1977. We should take a moment to honor him & all those who fought & lost their lives to the struggle for a world rid of racism, injustice, & social hatred. They weren’t all murdered but most spent time in jail for their commitment to human freedom. Our deepest respect.