Al Aqsa- from aqsa to kashmir July 24 2017

Azadi (freedom): from Aqsa to Kashmir, we will be free.

Long live Palestinian & Kashmiri Intifada. End the occupations. Self-determination for Palestine & Kashmir.

The 15-year-old son of dictator Bashar Assad finished 528 out of 615 contestants in the International Mathematical Olympiad in Rio de Janeiro. Ordinarily this would be of no interest & we’d leave the kid alone except he probably got on the Syrian team the same way his father & grandfather won every election by 99 to 100-percent of the electorate. That’s how things are done under dictators. That’s why there’s a social revolution against them. If you don’t want your kid to be a laughing stock, don’t set him up. If you don’t want to be a dictator, run fair elections.

Palestinian Intifada must go international

Palestinian Intifada must go international:

This video is the Palestinian solidarity rally in McAllen, Texas on July 22, 2014, during Israel’s murderous carpet bombing siege of Gaza. At that time, millions around the world on every continent in major cities & small hamlets marched in defense of Gaza. We need to mobilize again in defense of Al Aqsa & to demand the end of occupation.

You can hear my speech about 3-1/2 minutes into the video.


Ras Al-Amud, July 21 2017 (Emil Salman) July 23 2017

“A person can only be born in one place. However, he may die several times elsewhere: in the exiles & prisons, & in a homeland transformed by the occupation & oppression into a nightmare.”

–Mahmoud Darwish

Photo is Israeli troops breaking up Friday prayers in the Ras Al-Amud neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem.

All out to defend Al Aqsa mosque & demand Israel end the occupation.


(Photo by Emil Salman)

It’s very moving–actually powerful–to see several expressions of solidarity with Palestinians & Al Aqsa from Kashmiris on Twitter.

Attacks on Al Aqsa mosque are a call to arms for Palestinian solidarity

Pro Al Aqsa protest in Jordan July 23 2017

The extreme violence against Palestinians at Al Aqsa mosque & attacks on unarmed worshippers is a call to arms. It’s time to call emergency rallies around the world demanding Israel end its provocations at the mosque, end the occupation, end the blockade of Gaza.

At these rallies we could draw the connection with other struggles, especially the provocations of India at Jamia Masjid in Srinagar & the occupation of Kashmir.

This photo is a protest in Jordan in defense of Palestinians & their right to worship at Al Aqsa without harassment & provocations; there were also protests in Malmo, Sweden & London.

All out in defense of Al Aqsa mosque. End the occupation.


(Photo from Twitter)

Syrian freedom and Palestinian flags graffiti July 22 2017

“In the state of siege, time becomes space
Transfixed in its eternity
In the state of siege, space becomes time
That has missed its yesterday and its tomorrow.
The martyr encircles me every time I live a new day
And questions me: Where were you?”

–from Under Siege by Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish (1941-2008)

–Flag is Palestinian flag on right & Syrian freedom flag on left (not same as Assad’s national flag)