Not trying to be a know-it-all, but I see lots of posts which show insufficient knowledge of Rohingya history in Arakan state, especially how long they’ve lived there & how long the persecution & then genocide have gone on. It’s a difficult history to get at because the scholarship is insufficient–at least in English. Wikipedia is not a reliable source on anything to do with Muslims, especially Palestinians, Kashmiris, & the Rohingya. The owner of Wikipedia is an Islamophobe & an ardent Zionist who was honored by the state of Israel a few years ago for services rendered to Israeli propaganda.
To correct just the worst mistakes I’ve read on social media, Rohingya presence in Arakan does not just go back to British colonialism when they brought in foreign workers, & the genocide did not begin just ten years ago–although neither of those misunderstandings negates the claims of the Rohingya people to human, democratic, & civil rights in Burma. But accurate history matters for Rohingya claims to citizenship in Burma, as we know so well from Zionist attempts to deny the existence of Palestine & Palestinians as a people.
Part of the persecution of the Rohingya in Burma includes denial of education; they are also excluded from higher education as refugees in Bangladesh. We will likely not see brilliant history of the Rohingya people written until they are free from genocide & persecution in Burma & given full access to education as refugees & can write their own history. We should not have to rely on snippets from a Scottish doctor traveling in the region in 1799 to prove their long residency & culture in Burma. Rohingya activists are already laying the groundwork for that research & history so I post this piece about Dr. Francis Buchanan published by Rohinga Vision: