I am forced to concede the election to Donald Trump. In a pig’s eye!
US elections are now officially a dog & pony show of excruciating duration proving beyond dispute, just as we learn in social studies class, that anyone can become president. Especially the most despicable & contemptible among us if he is worth a billion bucks & talks trash.
One doesn’t have to be a Clinton supporter to see misogyny played a big role in her defeat & Trump’s empty triumph. That’s a major political regression & a call to arms. But who didn’t Trump hate on? Mexicans, Blacks, Muslims, women, immigrants & refugees–those of us at the very heart of politics today & now the forces of social resistance & transformation.
Pepe Escobar is jubilant at Clinton’s defeat & delighted Putin will be feted at the White House–only proving that “geopolitical analysts” like himself substitute flatulence for politics & get away with it because they’re male & feed the same malignant forces as Trump.
We have a lot of work to do. In the work of social transformation, the election of Trump is just an impediment on the road, not a defeat. There was no way working people could win in this election.