Happy New Year 2017 to all my Facebook friends & “followers” who I’ve loved meeting & to my blog readers, who I always learn so much from, & who I’ve come to admire & think as kin. More than anything, in this era of so much violence against so many people, I am grateful for meeting others around the world committed to fighting all that & forging a world where human beings can again live in harmony as family.
One doesn’t feel so corny saying that & don’t mind the mockery of misanthropes when we know there are so many others who also believe the human race is every bit worth fighting for.
Very special greetings to friends who are on the front lines of that fight & bearing the brunt of such weakened international solidarity, especially in Syria, Kashmir, Palestine, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Iraq, & the Philippines–& of course our refugees. Don’t give up on us yet.
Thank you for all the blessings; I cherish every one of them & think they’ve saved my ass in so many ways. <3