Defending Putin: the year went derangement went viral

So glad so many are up-in-arms about the CIA maligning Putin, the former KGB agent. Myself, I don’t give a rat’s ass. They’re all hacking & spying on each other because that’s how capitalism operates: in competition. There are more important things to worry about than if Putin the war criminal gets a bad rap for hacking. What he’s doing in Syria is far worse.

This year, Reporters Without Borders ranked Russia 148 out of 180 countries in press freedom. It’s considered one of the deadliest countries in the world for journalists & also one of the worst at investigating & prosecuting the assailants. Since Putin took over in 2000 there have been 98 journalists murdered & only 36 trials.

Under Putin, most electronic, regional, & national press in Russia has been taken over by state agencies & the Kremlin has expanded its global reach through cable, satellite, & the internet. RT is read & viewed by millions around the world in several languages along with Sputnik News & Strategic Culture.

Those making the big stink about Putin getting shafted are those who use Russian media as their go-to source on Syria. They either don’t want the political lies of RT exposed or they’re paranoid in an infantile way about reading a wide range of media & literature.

In the interests of freedom of press, we shouldn’t call for Russian media to be shut down & we should certainly read it even though their influence has been absolutely pernicious on the issue of Syria. But Putin & the gangsters who run Russia can damn well take care of themselves.

PS: As for influencing the election, Russian hacking must have favored Clinton since she won the popular vote but the presidency was handed to Trump instead.