The responses to Aung San Suu Kyi’s televised address to the nation today have been condemnatory, if not condemnatory enough. Drawing on the delusion that Suu Kyi is in denial about genocide, Amnesty International said she & her government “are burying their heads in the sand.” She is not silent nor is she in denial; she is a partner with the generals in executing this genocide & then brazenly denying it is going on when the entire world has viewed overwhelming documentation–especially 410,000 Rohingya refugees coming across the Bangladesh border with bullet wounds, knife & machete wounds, burn injuries, infections, & in a state of extreme trauma.
This article in the Dhaka Tribune titled “Alternative facts in Suu Kyi’s speech” is one of the better media reports:
To Suu Kyi’s speech of lies, we present the testimony of this Rohingya woman who drowned in the Naf river in her flight from genocide carried out by Suu Kyi & the Burmese generals. May our sister Rest In Peace. Suu Kyi & the generals can rot in hell.
(Photographer not identified)