A salute to the stone pelters in Kashmir & the photojournalists who record them

Kashmir stone pelter with knive (Basit Zargar) May 19 2017

If eyes are the window to the soul, we are looking at the soul of fear & a profound sadness. We are also looking at the soul of a freedom fighter.

Nationalists will look at this young man with a rock in his hand & a knife in his mouth & bray like jackasses about stone pelters & a knifing intifada. But they would miss what’s most compelling here: that his youth is being stolen from him, that he could go home & submit to occupation & colonialism but has chosen to risk his life for freedom.

We should take a moment to honor all the young freedom fighters like him & to honor the photojournalists who risk their lives to document the occupation so that we may understand & become part of the Kashmiri struggle by rendering active solidarity.

End the occupation. Self-determination for Kashmir. A salute to freedom fighters & to photojournalists on the front lines of struggle.

(Photo by Basit Zargar)