“I won’t tell your father you have died, Rizwan,
but where has your shadow fallen, like cloth
on the tomb of which saint, or the body
of which unburied boy in the mountains,
bullet-torn, like you, his blood sheer rubies
on Himalayan snow?”
-Kashmiri poet Agha Shahid Ali
#Kashmir #indpak #loc #war #childrenkilled #death #fear #occupation #blood
I won’t tell your father you have died, Rizwan,but where has your shadow fallen, like clothon the tomb of which saint, or the bodyof which unburied boy in the mountains,bullet-torn, like you, his blood sheer rubieson Himalayan snow?-Agha Shahid Ali#Kashmir #indpak #loc #war #childrenkilled #death #fear #occupation #blood
Posted by Mir Suhail Qadiri on Monday, April 13, 2020