In my childhood days, when I was hardly 4 to 5 years old, Indian occupied forces used to come our home and beats my father on a routine base. One day early in the morning forces comes to our home and dragged my father out and caged us inside our own house and it become a jail for us.
After taking my Abu ji out they start beating him mercilessly with rods and guns in front of us without any reason. He was looking towards us for any sought of help & cries was not less than bullet for us. His yelling was piercing our hearts & killing us inside our home. For sometime we could not do anything for our father but after some time my brave and courageous mom with the help of God mange to comes out and chased those uniformed terrorist single handedly with the help of an axe. I don’t remember exactly whether my mom was successful in liberating Abu or not from the clutches of these terrorist or they had taken him with themselves but what i get from that horror.
“fear of death died inside me”.”
–Mubashir Naik, Kashmir