FB deleted hundreds of my posts prior to April 2012. A good share, if not the majority of them were about the Arab uprisings that began in early 2011, including the Syrian uprising against Assad’s dictatorship which I followed very closely.
It is not an exaggeration to say that thousands of videos poured out of Syria documenting that massive uprising which Assad supporters now claim never happened.
This video came up in my September 30, 2011 Facebook memories. It shows the popular, unarmed uprising against Assad in Homs, Syria, often called “the capital of the revolution” for the leading role residents played in opposing Assad’s dictatorship. The Syrian source is no longer available. Maybe they have been arrested, maybe they’ve been bombed to death as “jihadists.” I have confirmed the authenticity of this video.
When I posted it I commented that Syrians faced extreme violence from the Assad regime, including at that time 3,000 murdered, 3,000 disappeared, mass arrests, & torture.