New US-NATO war developing in Libya

Libya. REUTERS:Goran Tomasevic--July 22 2016

There are some who hold up the 2011 US-NATO war in Libya as a model for what the US should do in Syria. They wed their opposition to Assad’s dictatorship to a military solution. Some fools suggest the US bomb Assad out of power; some suggest Turkey or Saudi Arabia. Some hope for a coalition of those forces. Then there are those who support Russian bombing in support of Assad. You can’t reason with such idiocy.

The US is already conducting several wars. Turkey has its hands full with massive repression & martial law & its own involvement in Syria. Saudi Arabia is still bombing Yemen to smithereens. Russia, Israel, & the US are now collaborating in Syria. If one doesn’t see the possibilities for Armageddon in all that you are blinded by militarism & detached from the carnage & killing fields it creates.

The massive bombing of Libya is what occasioned Hillary Clinton to quip “We came, we saw, he died” about the murder of Qaddafi whose corpse was publicly displayed, abused, & sodomized. Regardless of the politics of Qaddafi, civilized people do not engage in or justify such barbarisms. It is in fact a crime. But that’s the character of US militarism which numbskulls propose as a salvation army in Syria.

After nearly six years, Libya is now in a state of shambles, with two governments & ISIS forces entrenched. Now the US is again heavily involved in Libya & has plans for new bombing campaigns to take out ISIS. This is a photo of a Libyan soldier allied with the “UN-backed government” reportedly firing at ISIS fighters. Is this your model for freedom from tyranny or is it a prescription for killing fields?

There is no military solution in Syria, Libya, Iraq, or anywhere else. The historic imperative is to rebuild the international antiwar movement to compel these armies & bombers to cease operations & allow the peoples of those countries to settle their own affairs without foreign intervention that makes their lives a living hell.

(Photo by Goran Tomasevic/Reuters)

Can hardly wait for the Democratic convention to begin. It will be just as much of a clown extravaganza only with donkey pompoms on their heads.

Clinton is suave so she won’t openly hate on Muslims, refugees, immigrants, & Blacks. That’s how the Democratic Party rolls. That’s how they pull the wool over people’s eyes. She’ll talk a good game, like Democrats always have, but their policies will be ‘same old, same old.’ If you can stomach or justify that, good luck with the delusions. It’s how some people get through life.

But they don’t fool all the people all the time. Just those willing to close their eyes to reality & the consistent crimes administered by that party. For decades, the majority of eligible voters don’t even bother to register because they don’t want to be part of the process. They won’t pin the tail on the donkey.

Vote socialist. Vote Mary Scully in 2016

Campaign FB wall

Donald Drumpf, the “blue collar billionaire”: He loves men in hard hats, who he thinks are all white guys. He hates Muslims, who he thinks are all terrorists. He hates undocumented immigrants, who he thinks are all rapists & criminals.

Hillary Clinton loves them all. But she’ll send them to war, bomb the hell out of them, & deport them anyway.

Tell me again there’s a lesser evil in this race.

Spare yourself the drama & vote for me:

“Describe everything you have ever heard about the anti-Christ and tell me Donald does not fit the profile.”

From Robert Alvarez, the master of pithy put-downs.

What’s important to note is that speakers at the Republican convention are the crazy-pants, fundamentalist wing of the organization. The elite old guard like Bush, Colin Powell, Mitt Romney, Henry Kissinger are noticeably absent. The only exception is Bob Dole who appears to be in late stage decay.

It isn’t a generational thing since most of the delegates & all of the musicians look older than Methuselah.