It may not always serve polemics, but I come from the political tradition of “kick ’em while they’re down” & try to take no prisoners. You don’t have to tell me it’s not a virtue. This is a piece I wrote in January 2017 on the death of Udo Ulfkotte, a perfectly detestable & corrupt German fascist who was eulogized by Assad supporters, including Eva Bartlett. I’m reposting it to show the scope of Assadist collaboration & political affinities with fascism.
To conform to standards of civil discourse, I changed the title but Google algorithms have not yet caught up with my uncustomary foray into diplomacy. Rest assured, it will be brief. Not that I’ve changed my characterization of Ulfkotte–not by a long shot. It’s just that “shithead” seems inadequate to describe this creep who developed the concept of “fecal jihad” waged by Muslims against other Europeans.