Charlie Windsor & the teddy bear

Charles 68th b'day Nov 17 2016

Charlie Windsor, who had his 68th birthday on Monday, may be the only feudal mooch that merits pity. He doesn’t have the horse track for distraction like Betty & Camilla & isn’t a flatulent halfwit like his father Phil.

If you’re going to be born to a life of indolence, stupid is an asset–the shallow depths of which have been plumbed over & over again, if not pioneered, by the Windsor clan. They cannot be blamed entirely for that since stupid seems to be the historic hallmark of feudal social relations. All that blue blood crap rots the brain.

Our man Charlie seemed to have more going for him. There was real promise & if his personal valet had ever taught him how to brush his own teeth or wipe his own butt he might well have developed beyond hapless.

Charlie’s post as “Prince of Wales” comes with the motto “Ich dien” (German for “I serve”). Why it’s in German & why a guy who’s waited on hand & foot would have such a motto is anybody’s guess. If you research it, you’re a damn fool. But you will find out it has to do with ostrich feathers, jousting, & other tomfooleries of feudalism still extant centuries beyond its historical usefulness. Didn’t Karl Marx talk about that somewhere?

Recently we heard he & Camilla had pulled off a palace coup in Buckingham & exiled Betty & Phil. That may be one of those fake news stories that FB & Google are so worried about. That’s why you could only learn it in the checkout line at the supermarket.

Here Charlie is confronted with a teddy bear. Betty never allowed the poor boy toys. Instead she gave him military medals for battles he never fought in so he’s entirely nonplussed as to whether it’s real or not. Why won’t the damn thing talk back to him & call him “your royal highness” like all his other minions?

(So many are appalled by my cruelty toward moochocracy. Don’t bother to look the word up. It’s my invention and combines mooch with monarchy–coming up with a suitable term for feudalism in the barbaric period of capitalism.

Perhaps because of my Irish ancestry, perhaps because I’m a smart-aleck, I detest feudalism in every of its manifestations. Don’t take my sarcasm seriously. It’s not directed so much as Charlie as at the institution he upholds.)

Syed Ali Geelani & solidarity with the Rohingya against scorched earth genocide

Syed Ali Geelani (2)

Syed Ali Geelani, a longtime leader of the independence struggle in Kashmir, was permanently booted from FB after posting about the young man executed by Indian soldiers on July 8th. His name & photo may not be cited on FB though his funeral was attended by 600,000 people. Did FB consider that “fake news”?

Though axed on FB, he remains active on Twitter & is an important source of information about the occupation & current murderous siege.

There’s something powerful about him including reports on the scorched earth genocide being carried out now in Arakan state, Myanmar by the military junta against Rohingya Muslims. A Kashmiri activist reaching out in the midst of siege to express solidarity with Rohinga under siege would be the very heart & soul of human solidarity.

(Photo is Syed Ali Geelani)

The fake news fiasco may be a civil liberties challenge

This alarmism about fake news sites may shape up to be a free speech battle on social media. There are all sorts of lists now, including ironically from mainstream media, telling us which sites are propaganda or fake. They aren’t wrong on a lot of them but of course they don’t mention their own problems with the truth.

The pro-Assad libertarians are particularly alarmed since it would take out most of their sites–like 21st Century Wire. Most of what they write is rubbish but under the US Bill of Rights, they have the right to promote their views, just as mainstream media does.

It does point out an educational weakness–which is apparently international–that readers to not interrogate their sources sufficiently. If nothing else, this may make us more discriminating readers. Nevertheless, FB & Google do not have the right to tell us what we can & cannot read.

Cruise missile emancipation in Yemen

Child in Yemen (REUTERS:Mohamed al-Sayaghi) Nov 17 2016
Cruise missile emancipation: This is the kind of “liberation” you get with militarism & bombers. The little guy is scrounging through landfill outside Sana’a, Yemen. The US has been drone bombing regions of Yemen for several years but the Saudi coalition, armed by the UK & US & militarily supported by the US, took over in March 2015–primarily to destroy the glorious & massive 2011 popular uprising against dictatorship & replace it with cruise missile democracy.

This is all under the humanitarian regime of Obama, now touring Europe to reassure right-wing nationalist leaders that the US will remain committed to the highest ideals of civilization under Trump. Meaning it will not neglect its commitments to militarism & cruise missile emancipation.

Hospitals, mosques, schools, residential areas, funeral wakes, wedding parties have been bombed to smithereens in Yemen. There are no reliable estimates of civilians killed in the bombing but it is now several thousand, including children. There are also no reliable estimates of the number of war orphans but relief agencies say it is tens of thousands. Bombing has displaced & made homeless 3.2 million people; 370,000 children are suffering severe malnutrition, not helped by the cholera outbreak in October or the bombing of hospitals & medical facilities. This little boy who is still alive & found an old juice container in the landfill is among the lucky ones.

Meanwhile Assad supporters are exuberant at what they call the impending liberation of east Aleppo & other Syrian cities by Syrian & Russian bombers. They can’t explain how the Russian bombing of five hospitals & the central blood bank in Aleppo in the last 48 hours fits into that scenario of liberation. So they denounce mainstream media for lying & deny it ever happened.

There are no freedom fights fought by bombers. That’s the deranged, right-wing pipe dream of those who do not believe in the power of working people to accomplish their own emancipation from dictatorship. Regrettably their delusions are not shared by those who operate the bombing fleets.

End the bombing of Yemen! End the bombing of Syria! End the bombing of Afghanistan! No foreign military intervention! No support for dictators!

(Photo by Mohamed Al-Sayaghi/Reuters)

Everyone from Obama to Zuckerberg is expressing concern about false news on social media. It’s been an issue for a while among Assad supporters & libertarians–which is why they read alternative media owned by the Russian government.

The CBS reporter said mainstream media has to fact-check with at least two news sources before they report a story. They didn’t say but must mean the US Pentagon & the White House. Those who are serious about getting the story straight check countless sources.

Kissinger will be meeting with Trump today after news of chaos on the transition team. Kissinger has his own ways of persuasion & straightening things out. They begin with torture & end with coups. We’re still in trouble. Hoping he croaks soon.