The blowhard named Sanders


You live long enough, you see these left shills for the Democratic Party (DP) come & go & eventually exit the political stage to the right–just as they were meant to do in the shell game of a two-party electoral system. The list of shills is endless from Eugene McCarthy to Bernie Sanders. Their sole function is to rope in broad progressive forces uncomfortable that the DP is indistinguishable in practice from the Republicans–but not uncomfortable enough to reject the entire shell game.

None of these shills are prize packages because electoral history shows it doesn’t take much to rope in the credulous. But Sanders is surely among the least inspiring. Oh let’s not beat around the bush. His politics are absolutely awful. But what his campaign has done is expose the fault line in US politics, that profound chasm between provincials who care only about paychecks & interest rates in the US & those who refuse to privilege Americans over people anywhere else on this planet.

It’s an iron law of politics that the first sign of a socialist going sour is they turn their backs on other peoples as of no consequence in comparison to US economic advantages. And in the long run, because those so-called progressives can’t think beyond their W-2 forms, the paychecks shrink & the wars grow more ubiquitous. There is a direct political nexus between militarism, racism, poverty, & the declining standard of living for US workers.

Bernie Sanders’ support for Israeli apartheid, his contemptuous dismissal of the war on the Black community, his xenophobic opposition to immigration rights that puts him right along side Donald Trump & all the other bozos, should have made clear he’s an establishment man, a supporter of war, colonialism, & social hatred. And that should be that for progressives. But even all that hasn’t broken the spell of provincialism & nationalism.

Now he came out publicly on TV & supported the ‘selective & effective’ use of drone bombing. He said “When you kill innocent people, what the end result is that people in the region become anti-American who otherwise would not have been.” Well isn’t that a mouthful of self-incrimination! A man whose concern is not that tens of thousands of people are being bombed to smithereens but that they might cop an attitude toward the Pentagon if they survive! That statement alone should shatter every single last illusion that Bernie Sanders has anything to offer people in the US.

It’s time we end the reign of expedience & demand politics rooted in political principles. The most fundamental principle of all is solidarity with people all over this planet as brothers & sisters. The US border does not define the limits of humanity “An injury to one is an injury to all.” If Sanders can’t deliver on that he’s just another worthless bum.

26 European navies in the Mediterranean & still hundreds of refugees drown

Refugee drownings (Ben Khalifa:AP) Sept 2 2015

Twenty-six European navies with the most high-tech surveillance equipment in the world prowling the Mediterranean Sea hunting down “human traffickers.” We know all about that Black Hawk Down stuff; we watched the video of Osama bin Laden being taken out by Army Rangers; the world witnessed US-NATO taking out the infrastructure of an entire country when it invaded Libya in 2011. And still hundreds of African refugees are drowning? So many that the number is unknown?

There aren‘t many reports of rescue efforts but the few there are portray gruesome scenes of body bags being lined up one after another & countless bodies being washed ashore. It may be time to intone “Black Lives Matter” on the Libyan coast. It is definitely time to take an active stand for the human right of immigration & sanctuary.

This is a rescue operation off the coast of Libya (last Friday) where two boats with up to 500 refugees sank. The death toll is now over 200.

Open the damn borders! Stop the mass murder of refugees!

(Photo by Ben Khalifa/AP)

Kashmiri struggle against Indian military occupation

Kashmiri mother of disappeared (AP Photo:Mukhtar Khan)  Sept 1 2015

There’s the slightest suggestion (just an itsy-bitsy one) that media–at least in the US–is lifting its news blackout of the struggle in Kashmir against Indian military occupation. Al Jazeera & Press TV cover the occupation but otherwise there’s no coverage worth mentioning in US media–a rather considerable omission when you learn Kashmir is the most militarized zone in the world with 700,000 Indian soldiers & paramilitary troops of several different kinds–& all quite barbarous–in a population of 12.5 million people. The ratio of thug to civilian is daunting. Just to show the contrast, Mexico which is also brutally occupied by its own military has 60,000 troops in the field in a population of 112.5 million.

Between 1989 & 2009, India’s military & paramilitary thugs in Kashmir have disappeared an estimated 8,000 to 10,000 people & caused 70,000 deaths through mass killings, extrajudicial or “fake encounter” executions, custodial brutality (including torture & rape), & other means. Political repression & surveillance are of course fundamental to the military occupation.

Conservative human rights groups like Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, & even the US State Department have all testified to these human rights crimes against Kashmiri civilians. But the Indian army claims 97 percent of the claims are “fake or motivated” based on investigations of themselves. They’re trying to put the Israeli army to shame. It’s quite likely India & Israel collaborate in devising methods of occupation since Israel also schools US police departments in the Black community. You wouldn’t think the US Pentagon needed outside assistance in militarizing police & repression since US & UK super-cops trained the Bahraini military & police in repressive policing against the democratic movement. But when it comes to violence & repression, these regimes are all of a piece.

Like in Palestine & as we saw in the Arab uprisings, particularly Bahrain, funerals & mourning are part of the expression & culture of political dissent against occupation. This photo is the mother of a disappeared Kashmiri youth. Contrary to the impression from the image, she is at a protest organized by the Association of Parents of Disappeared (APDP) in Srinagar on Sunday where they demanded setting up a commission to investigate the disappearances, including investigation of unmarked mass graves. The phony army investigations fooled no one.

Our fullest solidarity with the people of Kashmir. Ending the news blackout is part of solidarity along with exposing the nexus between Israel, India, the US & UK in political repression & barbarism around the world. Even ISIS has nothing on these savages.

(Photo by Mukhtar Khan/AP)

More media lies about Palestinian struggle against colonialism

West Bank protest  (REUTERS:Mussa Qawasma) Sept 1 2015

Here’s another case of media covering for Israeli crimes with half-assed explanations to bewilder the inattentive reader. The Yahoo caption to this photo read: “A Palestinian runs for cover from a sound grenade fired by Israeli border police during a protest against what organizers say is land confiscation by Israel to make way for the controversial barrier in the West Bank city of Beit Jala, near Bethlehem August 30, 2015.” It doesn’t really lie but there’s barely a shred of truth.

First of all, the picture is damning as hell of excessive military force against unarmed Palestinians & against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands. Secondly, those aren’t “border police”; they’re part of an occupying army. Thirdly, that “controversial barrier” is an apartheid wall that cuts through Palestinian farm land, mows down villages, & lops off families & communities from each other.

Lastly, they can just cut the crap on that “what organizers say is land confiscation.” The Exodus narrative is shot to hell by the repeated carpets bombings over Gaza & by denunciations even by the likes of Obama & the UN for aggressive settlement projects like Susiya where entire villages are evicted & demolished so Zionist settlers from all over Kingdom Come can move in & take over Palestinian land. Everybody knows that. The only difference is that right-wingers think Zionists have a Biblical claim to Palestine–because they sure as hell don’t have a historic claim.

No offense to the Bible, but when it’s the only historic document you can come up with for title, your claim is a shabby one. It’s as if Irish-Americans found a pottery shard in the Rhineland with the words to “Danny Boy” & started laying land claims to move back from whence they migrated 3,000 years ago. It’s arrant nonsense. The Bible is a religious book, not a historic account.

Build the economic, cultural, & academic boycott of Israel. Demand no military aid to Israel. Demand US end its aid to the settlements in the West Bank.

(Photo by Mussa Qawasma/Reuters)

Oh for the good old days of Sarah Palin-crazy

We really have to bottle the precious things the right-wing comes up with so future generations will know the derangement we sustained & forgive us our trespasses.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck, always a cornucopia of idiocies, wants to know why Black Lives Matter hasn’t been labeled a hate group. The easy answer is, because her neighbors & Fox colleagues have that all sewed up already.

Ben Carson–a surgeon no less–said there is ‘There is no war on women, but on what’s inside of women.’ You wouldn’t want that guy cutting into you. God knows what he’s looking for.

Don’t you almost wish for the good old days of Sarah Palin!? She could see Russia from her patio.